Today is the first day of Nov., and also the first Sunday I stay in Singapore.
After I have found the room near NTU, the work of this week I think is already done, so I try to get out of here(the dark and longly temporary accommodation) . I chose the most hot spot in SG, city hall, then it took about one hr from NTU to city hall.
Fortunately, I found that today is one of the special day for celebration,Dains Festival,Wow~~ what a luck to me! ^_^ There are lots of presents perform inside and outside of Esplande, which is a art center in Singapore.Most of the performances are started at 19:30, so before that time, I have about 3 hours see the environment around city hall. there are some pictures are shown below.

There are three presents that I am very interesting, one is a drama, Wayang Topeng, and others are dances.The first one is a little boring, like foreigners see our "國劇", thought there is some transcription to describe the drama, but it's too few to make me jump into the story. Wayang Topeng, like other Asian drama, the action of the actor is focus on the body only, and there is not big motion or movement during the whole drama. It could be better that if I know the culture and history of the drama I'll take more experiences. What a pity!
The other two are very interesting to me, they do not only perform their professional dance skill, but also teach the audience how to dance, such as swing dance and Malaysia folk dance,canggung,(there is a example video here) cangung is typically performed at weddings, harvests and other joyous events, no wonder the dance always smile and they look so happy. This is my first time to see the Malaysia folk dance. Wow~~ Cool, isn't it. The only thing I feel it's so pity is I am along, if someone with me, we can dance together, quite cool, right.
On the other hand, i also take time to have a sightseeing around city hall, including visiting several shopping center(there are so many shopping center or mall here, and there is a building, like NOVA in Taiwan, is full of the 3C products, but.....suddenly I find i have no more money to buy the backpack I want, wooooo~~ my targues is gone~~~ :( ) However, I think it's OK, I still take different culture and experiences today. What a wonderful day. Thank god, and thank you.

the other side of Clarke Quay, they try to build a-three "人字形" building

2 則留言:
用英文寫的看了幾行就不想看了..要查字典太累...用中文寫的文筆有變好的感覺哦, 那就將新加坡的生活點滴寫成冊, 看回台有沒有不怕死的出版社幫你出圖文書....