My master room, thank you~
Today is the last night I stay in NanYang High, the build for the NanYang staff and new avvival researcher for tempertory accomdation. So I take some pitures like my master room, living room, bath room and dinning room. Basically, there are other three common rooms, but the other researcher just left yesterday, so I am the only person in this apartment. Right now, I'm sitting in the living to see the TV program, 我要唱下去, the is the Taiwanese, 曾國城. Ha~~ that's interesting. There are lots of TV program in Singapore are come from Taiwan, especially the drama, 台灣龍捲風. Others are a little boring. So it's good that I could not spend too much time sitting in front of TV.

kitchen and living room
Tomorrow I'll leave here to my new "room", again, the fee for rent a room in Singapore is so expensive. Orignially, I have got a room in Saterday, but the owner told me yesterday morning, that she could not rent the room for me becouse the contract not on due for the people who right now live in that house thought he spend all the time in his girl friend's place. However, she introduce me to rent her yanger sister's room with the same charge, fine. I still took some time to visit several room, and have a very happy experience on seeing other's room and chatting with the woner. Some are students in NTU, some are forigioners. We exchange the experience on Singapore. When they know I come from Taiwan, I present lots of interesting and to wnat visit Taiwan. Therefore, some how, the national idenity of Taiwan is popular here. Thanks Taiwan's people who work hard to maintain or make a good expression for other people. One of the owners whose ant is just the member of "安麗" and has visited Taiwan before. They had very exercilent experience in that trip, so it's a good chance to introduce the beautiful of Taiwan.
By the way, I had found that there is a cat breeding very very very and very cute kitty when I just came back yesterday. The mother is so sensitive and to pay much tension to guard and portest her choldren. Really, they are so cute that I can't help to took the picture from them, though she alwasys look with guard and curious, I hope I didn't disturb their life, I am no bad intention. ^_^

look them, she has four children, two have the same skin with mom, but others are block. interesting, maybe all of them are her children. Hope they can well grow and have happy life.
So long NanYang High, and hope I'll have a new life in Singapore afterwards.